396Hz – Liberating Fear and Guilt

If you are someone who struggles with feelings of fear and guilt, you are not alone. These emotions can be difficult to overcome, but there are ways to help release them. One such way is through the use of sound frequencies, specifically the frequency of 396Hz.

In this article, we will explore what 396Hz is, how it works, and how you can use it to liberate yourself from fear and guilt.

What is 396Hz?

396Hz is a frequency that is part of the Solfeggio frequencies, a set of six frequencies that are said to have healing properties. The Solfeggio frequencies were used in ancient Gregorian chants and were believed to have spiritual and physical healing powers.

The 396Hz frequency is also known as the “Liberation” frequency and is said to help release feelings of fear and guilt. It is believed that these emotions can create blockages in our bodies, which can lead to physical and mental health issues. By listening to or meditating with the 396Hz frequency, we can help release these blockages and promote healing.

How does 396Hz work?

The 396Hz frequency works by vibrating at a specific rate that can help to release blockages in our bodies. It is believed that the frequency can penetrate deep into our cells and help to break up negative energy that may be trapped within them.

By listening to or meditating with the 396Hz frequency, we can help to release these blockages and promote healing. It is also said to help boost our immune system and promote feelings of peace and calm.

How to use 396Hz to liberate fear and guilt?

There are several ways that you can use the 396Hz frequency to help release feelings of fear and guilt. One way is to listen to music or sounds that are tuned to this frequency. There are many videos available on platforms like YouTube that feature music or sounds that are tuned to the 396Hz frequency. You can listen to these videos while you meditate or simply as background music throughout your day.

Another way to use the 396Hz frequency is to meditate with it. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. As you breathe in, imagine that you are inhaling positive energy, and as you exhale, imagine that you are releasing negative energy.

As you meditate, you can also focus on the intention of releasing any feelings of fear or guilt that you may be holding onto. Visualize these emotions leaving your body as you listen to the 396Hz frequency. You may also want to repeat affirmations to yourself, such as “I release all feelings of fear and guilt” or “I am free from negative emotions.”


If you are someone who struggles with feelings of fear and guilt, using the 396Hz frequency can be a powerful tool to help release these emotions. Whether you choose to listen to music or meditate with the frequency, incorporating it into your daily routine can help to promote healing and bring a sense of peace and calm to your life. Give it a try and see how it can help you liberate yourself from fear and guilt.

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